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Building and Mesauring Simple Circuts

PHY 201 & 231

Building and Measuring Simple Circuits & Calculating Equivalent Resistances for Dr. Finch.


Name Location Quantity
Banana Plugs JE-113A-DS5-D4 6 per table
Clips, Alligator JE-105A-S58 10 per table
Multimeter, Digital, Extech EX420 - Battery JE-105A-D103 1 per table
Multimeter, Digital, Sperry DM5300 - Battery JE-105A- D101 1 per table
Power Supply, Extech (Model #382213) JE-105A-X12/13 1 per table


For each table, put out three 20 ohm resistors and two 50 ohm resistors from the drawer labeled "201/231 Resistors" on X40.

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Item modified on 2025-02-21 15:07:28 by andersons50.